Thursday, November 22, 2007

This Dot may be Huge if it is truly connected

While reading a story that appeared to be about the misstep of a Band Director, Texting Puts Teacher In Bind , I also read the comments.

If one reads this and follows the connections, it says a lot. First there is an allegation about a band director's ex-wife had an affair with the husband of a school board member who was having an affair with an administrator.

A more direct comment about the story is that apparently the "complaining parent" against the Band Director is also a "teacher". And the teacher/parent wants something.

This is just too much if it is true. Education just has to take a back seat to this story. And to think that decisions are made in the best interest of our children and our teachers.

This one stands out like a Dot of a solar ray:

Posted by ( cshultz110 ) on November 22, 2007 at 1:06 p.m. ( Suggest removal )


You are completely correct! God forbid the truth come out. It is all politics, just ask Jenifer Felairo and Mark Hart (Opps, I forgot that affair was covered up . . . I am sooo sorry!) he, he Amazing how he just "left".

Folks, I have been in this district for 11 years and know for a fact that it IS a good ole' boys system. Lots of corruption and politics. To give you an idea (and yes, this is first hand knowledge), I was a band director and took a leave of absence last year after my now ex-wife had an affair with a promonent school board members now ex-husband. (Yes, they were both cheating on each other. See previously mentioned) After getting my act back together and returning from my leave, I was shocked to find that no principal would hire me. Not because of my performance, but because nobody wanted to touch the situation since it delt directly with a school board member and the politics it would involve. That is our school board folks!!! I can't wait for Mr. S to be obsolved of this accusations. Shame on the parent who is a teacher trying to play the system to get what they want. That should be the real headline: "How a teacher uses politics to ruin anothers career and how the school board helps them to do it."


Anonymous said...

this is all very, very disturbing... It seems as if the perfect storm is brewing...

PRO On HCPS said...

Again, if this post is true, it is very disturbing. It's not about the affair. That is for another discussion. What it is about is the time line and how it effects the ability of the now Board Chair to objectively fullfil her duties.

There is an old adage "desperate people do desperate things". If I recall correctly, she missed alot of meetings in late spring, early summer.

One has to be concerned how her votes or non votes were based on personal issues instead of objective decisions based on knowledge. Dealing with these personal issues surely must have effected her ability to research issues independently, I would guess.

The rumor mill is full of inappropriate relationships and quid-pro-quo abuses. But they never see the light of day. This one has managed to get out.

For all I know, it has had no effect on her abilities to carry out her job as Board member. It does give a whole new meaning to "networking".

It would be interesting to see who the winners and losers were. If it was only these isolated individuals, then we could say they got what they deserved. If it is the innocent jilted, it is one of those bad things in life. But if it effected school policies, budget items, and any "school business" then it is the public's concern.

Anonymous said...

When will there be an article outing this inappropriate "SB" behavior? After all, we publish articles about teachers who text too much...