Saturday, February 20, 2010

Thinking Of Exploiting My Disabled Kid

The state fair will be gone soon, so it is too late for this year. But it will be back.

My 26 year old CHARGE son has taught me more than any one else has. At least, he has caused me to be taught by many more people than anyone else has.

So, he owes me.

I may have figured out how he can pay me.

Today, he and his mom were talking (sign language) and somehow the topic of birthdays came up. She came and asked me if my birthday, which is in June, is on a Saturday. I had to open up the little link on the bottom right hand of the computer screen, and after a minute or so of clicks, sure enough, I confirmed that my birthday is on a Saturday. So, we then proceeded to verify the weekdays of some more birthdays. Mom. Brother. Sister. Grandmother. Uncles. Aunts.

Not last year week days. The coming year birthdays.

He became interested in something else, so we quit asking, but there may be a gold mine in this.

We have always known that he has a Rainman kind of memory when it comes to dates. Now we see he seems to have an uncanny insight into future dates and the day of the date. Is it only for dates that he knows? Or, if given any date, can he tell us what the day of the week is, or was?

If this pans out, I can't wait to get one of those booths at the next Fair.

I am thinking of a script right now. "Step right up folks. See if you can stump the Wizard. A chance for you to win $100 by getting a ticket. Yes, folks, for this one time chance to win $100 for free, simply donate $5 to see this young man display his skills. Seeing is believing. If he misses the day, you win $100."

In the mean time, I will think about the school psychologist who told us my son had a 74 IQ. Something about standardized test scores protocol. Something about the psychologist being trained in assessing children and something about him being apologetic for the state of denial that my wife and I were in.

Maybe I could make money on pitting that school psychologist with another psychologist that said my son had "peaks" of intelligence in the 130's. I will be the first to admit that those must be some mighty sharp peaks, but I hear the view of the world is spectacular from those vantage points.

1 comment:

Goader said...


It seems more normal now that you are writing again, Richard.

We reach a time in ours lives when we can see equally into the past and the future. I can now appreciate how change is the only constant. That doesn't mean that I have to like it all the time. Sometimes it's comforting when things stay the same.

When you took your hiatus recently, I was reminded how it felt when the Colts were no longer from Baltimore or when WTVT became FOX. I felt like the world had been turned upside down. Our interlude in time is all too brief, so we don't need to be changing institutions like a pro football team's location or a major network we grew up watching.

As you can tell from my rambling, I am giddy that PRO on HCPS is active again. I'll sign off by telling you that I changed the seating arrangements in all of my classes this week. My students could hardly bare it. I know the main reason for this was they liked sitting next to their friends (talk-mates). However, I can't help thinking some of their consternation had to do with the same reason that in my mind it will always be the Baltimore Colts and WTVT, Channel 13 will always be CBS.