Sunday, April 4, 2010

Spare The Responsible Entities And Spoil The Child

Goader writes:

We-The-People Know Best for Florida - Evanescent Commentary - Goader: "It’s as though the people representing us are deciding how they want to run Florida with little or no regard to what their constituents want."

I have attempted three or four comments on Goader's blog, but they aren't showing up, so I will comment here.

It seems like I read the Communist goals for America a long time ago, but a recent Tribune post brought my attention to them. Read them all, and see how many of them you think have already been accomplished, and how many are getting near.

The other day, I commented on Goader's blog how I thought that our government agencies, which includes schools, take over parenting instead of channeling parental responsibility.

Bad parent? The government makes it easy for them to shun their parental responsibility. Free food and free school lunch along with minimal housing payments go hand in hand with the latest electronic gadget for the whole family, and don't forget the latest shoes, rims, TV and lawn ornanment, be it urban or rural.

Bad parent? The system deals with the kid, not the parent. The system spends money on all types of resources chasing the kid, but doesn't have the money to get past no-returned phone calls and messages to the parent. The system spends huge amounts of money to provide food, clothing if needed, a full continuum of reproductive safeguards from prevention to elimination without parental notice. The system spends huge amounts of money on juvenile justice from pick-any-name suspension to serious threats of if-you-do-this-one-more-time you are going to really be in trouble.

I frequently use the caveat that when a problem rests with the proper person, the problem will be dealt with properly. Otherwise, the buck is passed more than a forest full of out-of-heat does and everybody can blame somebody as long as nobody makes anybody responsible.

Not surprisingly, the Communist goals cover it:

Communist Goals (1963): "40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
41. Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents."

Perhaps an answer to Goaders question du jour can be found here:

Communist Goals (1963):

"32. Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture--education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc."

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers' associations. Put the party line in textbooks.


Goader said...

A quick answer to your lost comments on my Blog, I inadvertently did something that screwed up my site. It actually was off the Internet briefly. I think all is well now.

I will let your commentary percolate a bit and then I will respond. Some thoughts popped into my head as I was reading; however, they are a bit fuzzy. Actually, they are so all encompassing that I need to lasso them to see if I can make sense.

Anonymous said...


What I am going to say will sound conspiratorial, but that's because it involves our entire political system. The Republican Party and the Democratic Party today are not as different as they might have been a couple of generations ago. In both parties, the ones that can afford to be in power are those that are financially wealthy, or desire to be so because of being in power. Going to Washington is not something one does to serve society temporarily and then return to the work-a-day world. Instead, it is now a fulltime endeavor of building influence and paving the road to riches. Joe Six-pack doesn't make any political decisions that might benefit the working stiff because he's too poor to afford the investment required to be elected today. Our political system has evolved into the haves in power and the have-nots getting any crumbs left after the fat cats feast at the financial banquet.

The political decisions made today are to benefit a few and seem shortsighted, greedy and nefarious. Why do the actions seem nefarious? I believe it comes from a few with power who want to stack the deck in their favor for financial gain. They have little regard for the wider society and believe they are entitled to fortune, rather than acknowledge some luck; a debt of gratitude to common people and that wealth begets wealth. These are humbling admissions that become less important as wealth increases.

I believe something I heard that says, the rich want freedom and the poor want equality. The reality is both must coexist in a "free" society or it is doomed to failure. It seems the poor are willing to accept freedom more easily than the rich are willing to accept that a degree of equality is good for the whole community. In other words, the poor do not begrudge the freedom being rich brings as much as the rich despise the thought of giving back so that more have a chance at equality. One need only listen to the greedy murmurs of the rich talking heads on a plethora of cable news channels to witness the truth in the freedom versus equality maxim.

I say all this to preface the notion that it is not so much Communism or Socialism or Whateverism, as it is rich versus poor. What is the number one problem with the world? The answer is poverty pure and simple. The number two problem with the world is the denial of problem number one.