Thursday, April 1, 2010

Leave It To An ESE Teacher To Conceptualize The Nuts (Poker Reference, for you sex-first thinkers)

I try to connect the dots.

Goader has this post:Reprint: Bonus (Performance) Pay – Shmonus Pay « Goader: "Basing a teacher’s bonus pay on a group of students’ standardized test scores, makes as much sense as basing the bonus pay of a basketball shoe salesman on how many points are scored by players wearing his shoes in a particular game."

Someone who claims to be an ESE teacher named Jenny Myers has this comment over on The Gradebook: Florida & Tampa Bay schools blog - The Gradebook#comments: "I know a better plan....tell the parents that they can not get food stamps, government subsidizes housing, or free lunch for their children unless they master FCAT THEN you might have the support of us teachers!!!
Posted by: Jenny Myers- ESE Teacher | April 01, 2010 at 04:37 PM"

I can see the dots. Just trying to connect them.

To see the dots, one must remove themselves from "the forest" in order to see "the trees." Goader and I first "met" over a Tribune article in which he staunchly defended "teachers" over a comment that I had made that "attacked" "'teachers as part of the system'". It took a couple of years before we met face to face, which has only been once. We have verbally jousted throughout the years of blogging. I have said before that Goader was the impetus for me to learn blogging, as I wanted to "get into the ring of ideas."

This post from Goader got my attention: Bad-Mouthing Teachers and Unintended Consequences « Goader: "Rather than include teachers in a larger group of administrators, parents, and students, the rallying cry of our time is, “it’s the teachers’ fault.”"

What I find noteworthy, after several readings, is that Goader, in defending teachers, did not target another entity. He simply makes the point of why not include everyone. How many of us can say that we defend our position by not attacking or blaming "someone else?" Think about it.

How many of us "represent!!!!" at all costs, which includes no introspection?

What I find noteworthy is that Jenny ties responsibility and accountability together between parents, teachers and students.

When push comes to shove between "teachers and parents", I will push and shove like hell to represent parents. Just as teachers know how "bad" (generalization)parents can be (towards the system), I know how "bad" (generalization) teachers can be (as part of the system). However, to address the real problems within our education system, we must recognize what is real "throughout the forest."

In my response to Goader's post, I spoke to how many government agencies take over the responsibility of parenting, as opposed to teaching or training for accountability of parenting.

School systems, either by choice or coercion, take on many responsibilities of parenting. I think I can provide links to where the Hillsborough County School Board members have promoted providing food, clothes, transportation and sex behavior training. Apparently, if parents don't do their job, then the government agency takes it over. What kind of message is that to our students?

I submit that what is wrong with our public education system is a reflection on how responsibility and accountability is treated by the whole group of people who vote, or don't vote, in America.

1 comment:

Goader said...


Once again, you managed to crystallize my ramblings into a cogent argument worthy of reflection.